On April 23, 2020, Governor Cooper announced a three-phased approach to slowly lift ease restrictions while combatting COVID-19, protecting North Carolinians and working together to recover the economy.
Starting at 5pm on Friday May 22, 2020, North Carolina will begin Phase 2 which allows certain businesses and organizations to open or remain open. Those businesses and organizations should follow
the guidelines below to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Guidelines for Conducting Business: Any scenario in which many people gather together poses a risk for COVID-19 transmission. All businesses where groups of people gather in an enclosed space should
create and implement a plan to minimize the opportunity for COVID-19 transmission at their facility. The guidance below will help retail businesses reduce the spread of COVID-19 in their communities.
This guidance covers the following topics:

• Social Distancing and Minimizing Exposure
• Cloth Face Coverings
• Cleaning and Hygiene
• Monitoring for Symptoms
• Protecting Vulnerable Populations
• Combatting Misinformation
• Water and Ventilation Systems
• Additional Resources

Read the full document here:  https://files.nc.gov/covid/documents/guidance/NCDHHS-Interim-Guidance-for-Retail-Businesses-Phase-2.pdf